الأحد، 11 يناير 2015

Joke about stupid people

He is rumored there was someone call his family and neighbors and Asedkah as stupid and one day decided that he commits suicide because he Sense of hearing the word you're stupid and while he is heading to the top of a mountain in order to commit suicide encountered on the road is a good man and told him this good man to where you want to go, said I want to look this mountain to commit suicide and said to him good and Masbb man who will sacrifice Bihtk for him said, I Wayne Mazhpt call me stupid good man said to him, you're smart and you you hear the words of the people who Asmuk stupid they just Ihsdok said to him stupid and he is confident yeah I'm smart, but how do you know he said to him A good man I'm going to ask you a question, if I answered it, you are the smartest idiot and told me what is the question? The man told him good question = What is the thing that you know its name from the color? Think fool for five minutes and did not find a solution
The man told him the good solution egg
He said idiot less pain you leave me now, I am stupid to have committed suicide
Told him good man waited I will ask you another question
Mahma Hean who know their name from their color?
Think fool for five minutes and did not find a solution
Good man said to him, the solution Tntin eggs
Let me stupid salvation said to have committed suicide
The man said the good I will ask you the hottest question
What is the animal that has four legs and says Miu Miu?
He knew stupid three eggs
Tayeb said the man go and committed suicide a few Fa stupid word in your right

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